“Until you make the unconscious conscious, it will direct your life and you will call it fate.”
― C.G. Jung
Blessings Cosmic Soul,
Are you ready for Eclipse Season?
This Saturday April 30, 2022 at about 1:30 PM MST we have a New Moon Partial Solar Eclipse 10° of Taurus welcoming us into Eclipse Season!
A solar eclipse occurs on a new moon and symbolizes a massive reset:
New Beginnings!
Eclipse season occurs about every six months and lasts for about 34 days.
New Moons are for setting intentions, listening to your intuition and allowing new ideas to form.
Taurus season (April 20th-May 20th) is asking us to BELIEVE that life is a B-e-a-u-tiful and abundant journey!
Taurus is an Earth sign, the “material principle,” physical, sensual, practical, grounded and secure.
Ruled by Venus, the planet of love and beauty; allowing us to enjoy the finer things in life.
Symbolized by the bull, solid as a rock and stable.
This fixed sign carries lasting energy helping us to stay directed and productive.
Taurus is a personal sign which helps us to understand ourselves.
Top energies to work with:
ABUNDANCE~ Be grateful for what you DO have, work with your finances and resources
CHARACTER~ Are you being too Stubborn or Too Lazy?
SELF-LOVE~ Make a list of the top 5 things you value about your SELF
SENSUALITY~ Enjoy your Senses! Think contented bull in the field, lounging in the sun, eating
PERSEVERANCE~ Earth is Patient, Slow and Steady
Affirmation: I am Safe & Secure in the Center of my Being!
Herbal Ally: Rose “Raises the spirits and gives sudden strength and cheerfulness”
Crystal Ally: Carnelian for grounding and strength
Yoga Pose: Gomukasana/Cow Face Pose
Chakra: Muladhara/Root
Breathing Technique: Square Breath
Mantra: Om Gam Ganapataye Namaha
Dedicated to Ganesha, helps to remove obstacles
Ask Yourself:
Do I believe in Abundance or do I fear Scarcity?
What would help me feel more Secure?
What project do I need to complete?
Remember to write down your New Moon Wishes, Intentions, Affirmations up to 3 days before or after the New Moon! Use present tense "I" statements, BELIEVE, feel Gratitude and Love, and Release Attachment! Hang up your paper somewhere you'll see it everyday, keep it in your journal to track, or burn it.